June 05, 2019
By Amanda Louise Campbell
I don’t care when the actual first day of summer is, I’m calling it official. June is here and it’s time for me days by the water (pool, lake, ocean, sprinkler… any kind will do!), cookouts, lazy days, sunshine and all the other things that come along with summer including bright and summer-inspired art!
May 22, 2019
By Amanda Louise Campbell
Way, way back in February, Allison James graciously agreed to join us during our Art Makes The Room series.
May 08, 2019
By Amanda Louise Campbell
What a whirlwind it's been since the first launch of The Campbell Collective (almost) 2 weeks ago! The response we have received from you all has blown us away and we are beyond flattered.
April 25, 2019
By Amanda Louise Campbell
Well guys, we owe you all a big apology... we have strung you along for weeks now about The Campbell Collective release but we have good news...